
JAMIE RAE is a New Adult and Young Adult author. She writes with one goal in mind–create stories with a positive message that will stay with the reader long after they’ve finished reading.

Jamie is an avid reader and loves discovering stories with a great hook, though she will not eat, sleep, or speak until she reaches the end. The Harry Potter years weren’t pretty!! Convinced that her Hogwarts letter was lost in the mail, she keeps a watchful eye for owls hoping her children will have better luck!

In her other life, Jamie Rae is an orthodontist, and she keeps her heart overflowing with love as a mother of three. She has perfected the art of nomadic living as a military spouse and Air Force veteran and has finally embraced that home is where the Air Force sends you. Jamie has a passion for critters of all shapes and sizes and you can often find her sneaking them into her own home or volunteering for rescues.

For more updates go to http://www.jamieraewrites.com

CALL SIGN KARMA her debut novel is available now!

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